The Chang Pickup
The following was intended as a short adventure seed for a simple Traveller adventure, but grew a little in the telling. It is based on the (largely improvised) game that I ran at Festival Draconis in October 2024, but has been formatted to match the style of the Freelance Traveller Active Measures.
It is suitable for starting a campaign with or as a one-shot, but should a Referee wish to introduce the adventure into an ongoing campaign, it should work fine, although note that it takes place at the opening of the Fifth Frontier War.
The advent of the Fifth Frontier War has left an important Oberlindes factor behind what are nominally the front-lines. Oberlindes has tasked the Travellers with pulling them off of the planet of Louzy and getting them to safety.
Naval forces from the Zhodani Consulate have just crossed the border and are attacking various planets in the Spinward Marches. One place that has been bypassed is the former mining boom planet of Louzy, located a jump away from Efate, which is the scene of protracted Zhodani-Imperial skirmishing. The planet has a thin, barely-breathable atmosphere and a strict government with a large population that is largely looking to leave since the main mining boom dried up a century or more ago. This current Zhodani attack has left Louzy behind the frontlines, and partially cut off.
Player Information
Oberlindes has a factor, Nils Chang, based at Efate who splits their time between the four systems of Efate, Louzy, Menorb and Alell. They spend a few weeks on Louzy every year, checking in on local operations and signing paperwork with the oppressive bureaucracy. Unfortunately, this particular visit to Louzy has left them trapped there when the Zhodani Consulate’s navy launched their surprise attack on Efate.
Louzy is right on the frontier, being one jump from Efate. Other relatively low-jump destinations are Menorb and Allele (both 2 jumps away). Efate is currently under attack from major fleets. It is unsure exactly what the situation on Louzy is, although it is likely to have Zhodani presence in space. That said, there is likely a narrow window of opportunity: go in, get Nils Chang, and get to either Alell or Menorb with him. He has valuable information about Oberlindes’ operations around Efate and can not be left to the vicissitudes of Zhodani mind-readers.
Most regular Oberlindes ships have been caught up in the general mobilisation of the sector, or are already engaged in attempting to evacuate various other offices in the sector. Louzy has a small office: Chang and two permanent staff - Haoyung Johannsen and Annette Nyhus-Huang.
Referee Information
The Situation
Louzy is currently not being attacked the Zhodani, but anyone who can get off Louzy is doing so. The lack of vessels travelling is not helping this. Nils Chang has gone missing in the last few days in an attempt to secure transport to Menorb for himself and his partner (who is not officially known to Oberlindes and so is not covered in the plan to extract the Louzy staff). The attempt to get the two of them smuggled off-planet has backfired and they are currently being held by the smugglers who are attempting to extort more payment from Chang.
Starting the Adventure
The Travellers will need their own vessel, of any kind that has extra staterooms for at least three passengers (plus more if the referee wishes to have any of the staff with registered families - Chang is officially single on Louzy - see the NPC Appendix). It is suggested that this be a start of a campaign against the backdrop of the Fifth Frontier War, but unless the referee wishes to add a blockade-running section, starting at Menorb or Alell will let the adventure play out without needing an overt Zhodani presence. Starting at Efate would need the Travellers to get past the Zhodani fleet present in-system (which has kicked off the whole war anyway), but is not detailed at all here. A sample contact at Oberlindes is listed in the NPC appendix, but should there be someone at a different megacorporation that already trusts, feel free to use them instead of Oberlindes.
In terms of support from Oberlindes, the Travellers will be given a description of Chang and his staff, and the address of the office on Louzy. They will also be given authorisation for all three staff to allow them to leave the planet (once the on-planet paperwork is processed). Should the Travellers accept, a security team of (up to) four can also be supplied, with salaries paid for by Oberlindes (see NPC appendix).
Payment for the entire adventure will cover chartering their vessel at standard rates, plus whatever seems reasonable to the Referee - depending on the vessel this amount will vary, but should cover running costs and ship loans for at least three weeks (one week to Louzy, a week in-system, one week back to safety). The fee for a successful extraction should be enough to make the players willing to go for it. Bear in mind that this is a rushed job with potentially high amounts of danger, so Oberlindes is likely to be paying very well. Failure to extract Chang will require a penalty payment of 50% of the fee, unless Oberlindes determine that the failure was not through the actions of the Travellers. Extracting the other staff may lessen this penalty.
It is possible that the Travellers will pick up additional cargo or passengers on Louzy (or to take to Louzy). This should be allowed, as long as it does not cause undue delays for the main task. This will be easier if there are no Oberlindes security staff along for the ride.
UWP: D422A88-8
Was found to have enormous natural mineral reserves, and during the 600s Louzy saw a huge boom in ore mining and processing, despite the marginal atmosphere (originally thin, and now tainted by the massive mining boom). The atmospheric conditions force almost everyone to live within climate-controlled underground cities. The halcyon days of the mining boom are long over, with the bureaucratic government now strictly regulating the economy and movement of people on the planet.
The population is still large, and some mid-tech products are manufactured for export. The government is keen to entice investment, which is hampered by the onerous paperwork required to do business. In an effort to maintain control, weapons are generally tightly controlled. In principle, free movement and free enterprise are allowed, but the paperwork to do so can take a while to process.
The starport was class A at the height of the boom and could be brought back up to that standard with sufficient investment, but it is currently considered class D.
The space around Louzy, courtesy of the Traveller Map.
Arrival at Louzy
On arrival at Louzy, everything seems fairly normal. The news of the Zhodani attacks has broken, but Louzy is a relatively unimportant target, so the initial strike was on Efate, bypassing Louzy. The system defence boats are active, and will warn incoming vessels of reported unrest at the downport.
On landing, things within the downport seem fairly normal, although there are fewer ships than might be expected - there are currently two free traders and three larger liners, in addition to anything that seems reasonable to the Referee. Despite the veneer of normality, port authorities will be on heightened alert: both for the expected Zhodani attack and because of people trying to flee on any vessel that can take them. For this reason, the starport authorities are mandating that ships are to be locked down for the duration of being on planet, with restricted casual movement on and off vessels. Access to the downport is currently being heavily controlled, although once past the perimeter things will be much more relaxed. Leaving the port is easy, but officials (especially on the Louzy side of things) will need paperwork (or bribes) before letting anyone into the port area.
External security is being controlled by the port’s imperial marine contingent, although most of the actual bodies on the line are locals working for the port authority. Currently they are mostly concerned with assisting the local forces in keeping unauthorised people out of the port. This is hampered by the downscaling of a Class A port to its current state of Class D. This leaves more holes in the perimeter than they might like, hence the requirement for additional lockdowns on parked ships. (See the appendix for relevant security personnel, should Travellers need to speak to them.) These gaps in security also give Travellers somewhat reasonable chances at getting in and out of the downport, but they will only be able to get into startown, since movement further out will require additional paperwork for the public transit network.
Getting to Oberlindes’ Office
Passing through customs, Travellers will be told that they need a pass to travel to Oberlindes’ local offices, which are located in a built-up area approximately an hour’s monorail ride from the downport. This pass can be easily obtained from one of the port officials (Agigaam Adumsha). This will only be available early the morning after landing, although they are potentially bribeable to have it done within a couple of hours. Should the bribe fail, the local communications network can still be used to get things moving by contacting the office. See the next section for how this may happen.
Agigaam will also mention that many people are looking for these passes, to allow them into the downport and so onto a vessel leaving the system for safety. The Travellers are therefore advised to keep their passes as secure as possible - losing a pass will prevent them from getting back to the downport, and possibly prevent them from even getting onto the monorail.
Local security forces (see appendix for Louzy Locals) are present in greater numbers than is warranted for the relatively low amount of traffic. Security are generally lightly armed (standard issue is a stun baton), since ownership of weaponry within the general populace is illegal.
Finding the office once off the monorail is easy enough - it is signposted clearly, and has a few other off-world factors in the area. These are mostly shuttered at the moment, given the drop in shipping over the last week. While a number of people are out and about, there is a general air of tension that is keeping the streets clearer than they might normally be.
The area is mostly underground, like most major cities on Louzy, and the hum of machinery is omnipresent. For those not used to this sort of environment, it smells a little odd - similar to a ship, the recycling does not clear all the smells. Some spots have obscured vision from steam vents and smoke. The lights in this district are in good condition, giving a semblance of an approximately normal day/night cycle. A mix of residential and commercial properties can be found - should the Travellers wish to buy any local goods they certainly could, although the conversation will swing around to the danger of the Zhodani is short order.
Should the Referee wish, a pickpocket attempt (if it succeeds, it may well get one of the passes to the downport), or a wrong turn into a rougher neighbourhood (and a subsequent shakedown by a couple of toughs) could be inserted here (see the NPC appendix). Bear in mind that most weaponry is illegal to carry in public, so unless Travellers have smuggled arms and armour out of the downport, this will likely be a fistfight or use clubs and similar non-bladed melee weapons. The toughs may have no such compuctions and be carrying illegal knives, but almost certainly not firearms.
Oberlindes Office
The Travellers will be greeted by Haoyung Johannsen. It is possible for them to have phoned ahead, in which case they will be expected. Over the offer of a beverage (tea is traditional on Louzy), Haoyung will explain that Nils has not been seen or heard from for a few days, since news of the attack on Efate broke, but that he can not have left the planet due to lack of open traffic to the downport.
Assuming that the Travellers show some official documentation from Oberlindes, Haoyung will happily point them to Chang’s flat, which is in the same district as the office. Haoyung has gone round but there has been no response. If they choose to play things close to their chest, then the same information can be found via the public data terminals (aka, the local Yellow Pages) or through bribing or otherwise persuading someone at the city records division. They could also ask around at random, but the city is large enough that this is not practical within the timeframe allowed for by Oberlindes, and should be obvious to the Travellers.
Again, assuming that the Travellers inform Haoyung about their task of extracting the whole office, Haoyung and Annette will undertake the paperwork for exit passes for themselves and Chang. This will take d3+2 days to clear but is otherwise a straightforward process given that Oberlindes, a major trading house on Louzy, is involved. If the Travellers are so inclined, it might also be possible to forge exit passes more quickly but they will be subject to a fair amount of scrutiny, so the difficulty of this should be high.
Should the referee wish to add additional complications or gameplay here, then the Travellers could undertake the paperwork while Annette and Haoyung pack things up at the Oberlindes office instead of letting the NPCs resolve it off-screen. This would likely require administration rolls or similar approaches to find the correct person to talk to and persuade/bribe/threaten in order to get the paperwork signed. For inspiration on how this might play out, the adventures Exit Visa (in the Traveller Book) and Zilan Wine (in the Traveller Adventure) are worth a look. Should the referee wish for Annette and Haoyung may have families, but they will be included in that paperwork.
Chang’s Apartment
The apartment looks normal for the area. The PCs will need to figure out a way in, using something like mechanical, electronics or computer to bypass the lock, or whatever the Referee likes to identify something like an air vent or similar means of entry.
Within, the apartment is fairly normal and modestly-sized - small kitchenette, a bedroom, living area, a small office area. Anything reasonable to those environments can and should be found here. The apartment is neat and tidy, but lived in, not sterile. The furnishings are generally of good quality, with a lot of things being offworld in origin. Some useful things that can be found in whatever way the referee deems sensible:
- There are signs of two people living here - photos of a couple (one is Chang, the other is a local woman) here on Louzy, additional toiletries in the bathroom, two plates left on the dining table, clothing belonging to more than one person, scatterings of personal belongings on both bedside cupboards
- Someone has recently been looking at possible trips to Menorb and Alelle on the computer terminal - all are fully booked, and many are listed as cancelled
- The bedroom shows evidence of hasty packing: no suitcases, empty hangers, missing toothbrushes, some clothes and personal effects scattered. The place does not otherwise look disturbed, so it is probably not someone searching the place
- An address has been left here: not scrubbed from a terminal or left scribbled on a notepad or something similar. Following up on it (using a public terminal or asking around) will point to it being a warehouse near the downport
If the referee allows the Travellers to find photos, it is possible to identify the other person in the photos. Some ways that this can be done is by showing them to Haoyung or by asking neighbours about the people living in Chang’s apartment, although they will need to be persuaded to share that information in some way. It is also possible that Louzy’s computer network may have some information that helps here (tax records, utilities), although most will point to Oberlindes or Chang. In any case, following up on the photos or asking neighbours will identify the other person as Britt Ma, a local socialite and business owner (see NPC appendix).
The Warehouse District
The warehouse district is located back near the downport, just outside the spacer-focused services that make up startown. This is also underground, like other major urban areas of Louzy. This is much darker and more rundown than the area of Oberlindes’ office. The recycling is clearly less good, imparting a notable acrid smell to the air. The lights are more likely to flicker or be off, although the walkways are wide to allow for groundcars and similar heavy traffic into the area and to the downport.
The address found at Chang’s apartment leads to a nondescript-looking warehouse owned by Universal Exports. Simply asking after Chang (and showing a photo or similar) will get no helpful response: the individual answering the door will not have seen him before, especially not recently. Requests to come inside will be similarly be firmly denied.
In reality, Chang, along with Britt, is being held against their will in the warehouse’s basement. In addition to the couple, there are three others who have contracted Universal Exports to get them off planet. All are being kept within a cluster of shipping containers equipped with disguised life support while being extorted to pay more to smuggle them off-plant. Ways to find this out include:
- The person answering the door is clearly lying
- A nearby warehouse has a camera that shows Chang and Britt arriving a few days ago and being let in
- Some piece of luggage that can be linked to Britt or Chang is found in the alleyway (clothing from the photos, signed notebook)
- Financial record linked to Chang with a number of payments to the business registered at the warehouse over the last few days, totalling the cost of at least two high passages
- Breaking into the warehouse in some way
- Planting a bug and hearing discussion about Chang and Britt
- The life support load of the warehouse is higher than average
However the Travellers find out, they now need to decide what to do about things. Again, this will depend on the skillset of the Travellers, but possible approaches include:
- Smuggle some weapons out of the downport and hit the place with an armed raid
- Talk the local security forces into raiding the warehouse (it is possible that Annette or Haoyung have some contacts)
- Sneak in and get Chang (and Britt?) out overnight
- Cause the warehouse to be evacuated (stop the life support, start a fire, call in a bomb threat) and use the chaos to get Chang out
- Blast or cut through from a neighbouring building (those on either side are similar warehouse-like buildings, but since they are legit, without as many guards, especially at night)
The warehouse has a basement level accessed by either stairs or a goods elevator. A number of containers are placed around the warehouse, waiting for movement. Access can be effected to the ‘outdoor’ yard through a pedestrian gate, while the warehouse has large front or back doors (both with smaller pedestrian entryways). The rear of the building looks onto a monorail, where goods can be loaded or unloaded directly for transit to or from the downport using a grav crane that moves along the platform. An elevated walkway runs along the outside of the building, overlooking the yard and front. This is accessed by ladders from inside. A small office and break room is located near the elevator. The office and attached record room have details of all the legitimate traffic handled by UE over the last decade or so. A competitor may well pay for this information.
The warehouse will have a few guards/stevedores, but mostly operates by stealth, so they will be kept low-key. There are about 8 or 10 guards per shift, with a better armed (body pistol or similar) manager who spends most of their time in the office. See the NPC appendix for guard details. If there is no alarm raised, most guards will either be handling shipping, but with the sudden drop in trade volume, are more likely to be sitting around in the common area in the office. Every fifteen minutes or so, one of them does a loop along the external walkway, coming up the ladders from inside. Someone does a similar walk to check out the loading platform, also on a roughly 15 minute interval (although not necessarily at the same time). During the night cycle, this is closer to once an hour or so.
The main goal of the Travellers should be to get Chang out unhurt (because that is what they are being paid for, after all). Should he be in a position to make requests, he will insist that Britt come with him.
The problem here is that she does not have an exit pass, and is low on the list of those who might get one, not having the direct weight of Oberlindes behind her. Going through regular channels will take a few weeks. Again, running something akin to Exit Visa or Zilan Wine, or forging a pass for Britt are options. It might be easier to forge paperwork from Oberlindes to get Britt listed as staff, making it much more routine. Things like exit passes are mostly a planetary concern, so once she is in the downport she would be safe - although this is likely to cause problems should she (or the Travellers) ever return under more normal conditions.
Persuading Chang to leave Britt behind is also possible (see Chang’s entry in the NPC listings), but this will definitely not be something that he will want to do. The Travellers may well leave him no choice, especially if they are armed, which will adversely affect his opinion of the Travellers going forward in a longer campaign.
Tumult at the Downport
At some point that is (in)convenient during the above, the Travellers will be barred from entering the downport (or receive a message to the same effect from a friend at the downport). This is due to a large crowd of civilians agitating to gain entry to the downport. Their main goal will be the liners, who can take a couple of hundred passengers, and are currently setting up for boarding, leading to various people trying to talk or otherwise get on board. The customs officials are getting overwhelmed by the number of people and the queue is getting restless.
Troops belonging to the Security Forces of the Republic of Louzy under the command of Commissioner Yuyin Karlsson (see appendix) are attempting to keep control of the area and only allow those with valid exit passes to enter the downport. Despite this, there have been a handful of scuffles over exit passes and similar events, exacerbating the current tensions.
Louzy downport is a much reduced A-class port, currently considered a D-class facility. This provides some opportunities for infiltrating the area, and approximately half of the Marines and Auxiliaries are checking for this.
The rest of the Marine security contingent and the auxiliary force is geared up in full combat gear, although they will not intervene unless the crowd tries to enter the downport or through explicit request from planet-side authorities. They will attempt to avoid violence, but if there seems to be no alternative the Marines at least will fire on the crowd. The auxiliaries are more variable in their willingness to do so, according to the Referee’s inclination (or random roll results).
Travellers with suitable backgrounds may be able to assist in organising things. Possible approaches depending on background:
- Arranging security troops more effectively
- Spotting pickpockets and troublemakers
- Streamlining some of the admin process
- Persuading the Commissioner to allow the Imperial Marine detachment to assist (this may turn violent if the referee or the dice want things to go that way)
- They could side with the crowd and incite them to violence, in an attempt to take advantage of the confusion. This will play out along the lines of the darker twist mentioned below
Doing so may well get them a favour from the authorities that they could cash in for information or support at Universal Exports or similar things. If the Travellers do not interfere, they will gain access to the downport again after a few hours: various ‘ringleaders’ will have been arrested, some warning shots will have been fired and the crowd dispersed. For now.
Should the referee and players wish to lean into a darker twist to everything, a much larger crowd, armed with makeshift weapons (and possibly some illegal firearms) may come back and attempt to force their way to the various ships currently docked and essentially hijack them to get off the planet. This will almost certainly involve an armed, lethal response from the marine detachment, but at least a few of the crowd are likely to make it past. This would then lead to a hostage situation on one or more of the ships, possibly including the Travellers’. This can be played very darkly, depending on the taste of the table, but is not given an in-depth working here.
Assuming that the Travellers manage to extract Chang and Britt from the warehouse, the required paperwork for Chang, Haoyung and Annette will take a couple more days to process. Should the Travellers have additional staterooms, they will definitely find additional passengers, given that many people are looking to leave. They may also be able to find cargo, in this case of things that people are planning to move away from possible Zhodani depredations.
Should the referee choose to do it, a further investigation into the smuggling/trafficking ring can be undertaken. This is being run by Haoyung, Britt and Ching Li Erikson (the last is the manager of Universal Exports, but not currently on Louzy). A few ideas have been seeded in the NPC appendix, but a fully worked-up case is beyond the scope of an introductory adventure or one-shot that already has plenty going on, so I am afraid that you are on your own on this one in terms of dropping some of those into the scenario or pointing the Travellers to that while the paperwork for everyone to leave is completed. An easy way in could be Chang asking the Travellers to check out why someone seems to be able to get high-end goods suspiciously quickly - almost as fast as the order via Oberlindes arrive. He suspects that there is someone on the inside feeding information to a competitor.
Alternatively, should the referee feel the need to add additional pressure, a Zhodani invasion force can definitely show up, causing a(nother?) blockade run to get safely to Menorb. Trapping the Travellers on Louzy could also be the start of a campaign focused on surviving under the occupation of the insidious Zhodani mind police, should that seem to be of interest.
Depending on how the situation with Britt was handled, once the situation normalises, Chang could be a very useful contact for the Travellers (or very willing to cause problems for them) in the Louzy/Efate/Alell/Menorb systems. Regardless of how that works out, Oberlindes in general will be willing to provide additional jobs to the Travellers in future, and will pay the agreed upon amount. With the Fifth Frontier War kicking into high gear, there are also likely referral opportunities for other clients of Oberlindes.
Some NPCs below are given catch-all skills like ‘Marine’. The intent of these is to give a broad set of skills a bonus. Should you be rolling for an NPC doing a thing that falls into the expected abilities of a given catch-all, use the catch-all for determining any relevant DMs. For example, ‘Marine’ would cover things like use and maintenance of standard-issue equipment, being able to identify good locations to be in a firefight, and more.
These are still being written, but there should be enough information above for most referees to be able to run the adventure without too much trouble. This is being posted in a somewhat rough form for getting feedback.
Oberlindes Staff
Oberlindes Contact - Gerald Mabidigu, 555799, 62 years old, Bureaucrat-2, Admin-2, Broker-2, Oberlindes Factor-2
- Well-established as a manager within Oberlindes, a prominent megacorporation within the Spinward Marches
- Affable, and concerned about his various staff in the Spinward Marches that is now becoming a conflict zone
- Willing to bring in outsiders, although only if they are trustworthy - one of the Travellers should probably have Mabidigu as a contact or links to Oberlindes in their backstory, although this could be via a third party vouching for them as well as being currently available
Nils Chang, 776788, 39 years old, Oberlindes Factor-1, Admin-2, Broker-2
- Nervously energetic and hates sitting still, talks incessantly, usually while pacing and gesturing.
- Knows a lot of people throughout the Louzy/Allel/Menorb area, as well as numerous traders who regularly pass through those systems.
- Concerned about sales of some goods on Louzy being pre-empted by some bit player in the markets, affecting profits for Oberlindes.
- Leaning toward seeing Britt as The One. Confronted with evidence of her using Oberlindes for her own gain will disabuse him of that.
- The referee may wish to have Chang be married or otherwise partnered with someone on Efate, where he spends most of his time - Louzy, Allel and Menorb are only visited for a few weeks a year. Appealing to this (which would be known to the Travellers from his personnel record provided by Mabidigu) may also persuade him that he does not know Britt well enough to risk things with his current partner.
Haoyung Johannsen, 777986, 22 years old, Admin-2, Streetwise-1
- Junior staffer at Louzy’s Oberlindes office. Handles a lot of the day-to-day admin.
- Selling information to Britt Ma to enable her to import certain luxury goods in under the radar ahead of Oberlindes and other competitors, he is being given a generous cut. He needs her company to do the importing, since the paperwork for creating one is onerous and would draw attention to him that he does not want.
- Frustrated that Annette is not willing to push harder to grow Oberlindes’ operation here on Louzy - while many mines are played out, the large population could still do a lot of manufacturing and similar things, for example. Has the ear of a small handful of local politicians and bureaucrats who feel the same way.
- Will be recognised as the person doing the deals with Universal Exports, if he shows up there. Will not want to show up there.
- Has nothing to do with Chang and Britt’s being captured and extorted, that is purely the guards at Universal Exports seeing an opportunity.
Annette Nyhus-Huang, 555798, 43 years old, Admin-2, Broker-1, Liaison-2
- Complacent manager of the Louzy office. In charge on a day-to-day basis, unless Chang is visiting.
- Does not pay too much attention to the details, but is well-connected to the Louzy bureaucracy from working for Oberlindes here for the last decade or so. Could possibly introduce Travellers to useful people in that bureaucracy, but likely will want a favour in future, since that is how things work here.
- Could easily push for (and get) promoted to a similar role as Chang, but has a lack of ambition due to being quite comfortable with her current role. This clashes at times with Haoyung, who wants to do things, while Annette does not want to rock the boat.
Oberlindes Security Trooper, 877777, Gun-1, Melee-1, Tactics-1
- No standard equipment, but each of the four troops will have cloth or mesh armour, a firearm, a (non-lethal) melee weapon, comm gear
- Note that Louzy does not allow firearms and blades are restricted, so their use outside the port will only be possible illegally or with exceptional permission.
Imperial Security
Imperial Marine, 888777, Laser Carbine/Laser Rifle-2, Pistol-1, Cutlass-1, Marine-1
- Standard Equipment: cloth armour, laser carbine/laser rifle, cutlass, comm gear
- (Powered) combat armour is available, but will not be worn in the normal course of duties.
- Present for security on the non-Louzy side of the downport. There are a platoon present: three squads of 10, plus a couple of technicians and admin staff. Stats are for the troops, not the support staff.
Imperial Marine Auxiliary, 787777, Laser Carbine/Laser Rifle-1, Pistol-1, Soldier-1
- Standard Equipment: jack or cloth armour, laser carbine/laser rifle, comm gear
- Locals from Louzy working directly for the Imperial Marine detachment. Similarly focused on security on the non-Louzy side of the downport.
- Many are either seconded or have been hired away from local security forces.
Marine Lieutenant François Parsons, 888798, 26 years old, Marine-2, Leadership-1, Tactics-1
- Standard Marine equipment + pistol
- Parsons is in charge of overall security at the downport, although under nominally under control of the starport manager. Generally capable, but a little overwhelmed by the change in situation. Has approximately a platoon of marines (30 soldiers) and some local auxiliaries (80 soldiers) under his command.
- Making plans to sabotage the downport in the event of the Zhodani arriving in an attempt to deny its use by them.
Marine Sergeant Gepasdega ‘GG’ Girlirnii, 998767, 43 years old, Marine-2, Leadership-1, Tactic-2
- Standard Marine equipment + pistol
- Girlirnii is a career soldier, and a solid second-in-command to Lt Parsons. Has been stationed on Louzy for the last few years and knows the place well.
- Mostly concerned with what might happen if there is a concerted rush on the downport and the handful of vessels currently docked, and unsure what the small force at the port can realistically do should the Zhodani actually make landfall.
- Has started laying the groundwork outside the downport to start training a potential resistance network, with the knowledge and permission of Lt Parsons.
Louzy Locals
Port Official - Agigaam Adumsha, 53 years old, 566788, Customs Official-2
- Easy to bribe for a pass to town (cost is up to a few hundred credits).
- If unsuccessful with bribe attempt, forms will be done by the book, taking overnight to process.
Security Forces of the Republic of Louzy - 877776, Club/Baton-1, Security-1
- Standard equipment: jack armour, stun baton, comm gear
- Pistols or carbines are issued for duty at high security locations or if deemed necessary. Will be issued to troops with relevant training (1 skill or more).
- Stun/Tranquiliser pistol may also be issued.
Commissioner Yuyin Karlsson, 42 years old, 777889, Tactics-1, Leadership-2, Weapons-1, Security-2
- Standard Security Force equipment + pistol
- Head of the SFRL detachment handling the Louzy side of the downport’s security and customs.
- Harried-looking, short woman with typical Louzy features: reddish hair and epithantic eye folds. Has approximately 150 people under her command. Resents the Imperial Marines for poaching many of her best people for the auxiliaries.
Assorted Civilian Guards and Toughs - 878774, Club/Blade/Dagger-1, Streetwise-2
- Standard equipment: varies, but will usually be jack/no armour, club/blade/dagger-1
- Firearms are illegal, so civilians are likely poor shots if they have any at all. Stun pistols are also possible, but will be rare.
- The guards at Universal Exports have a weapons locker with two easily concealable body pistols, but these will not be used until there is some warning and there seems to be no other option.
Chi Ling Erikson, 37 years old, Broker-1, Streetwise-2, Small-scale Smuggler-1
- Manager of Universal Exports. Urbane, refined manner concealing a ruthlessly opportunistic streak.
- Mostly legitimate, but also handles regular ‘uninspected cargos’ using various other shipping companies. Has a few insider stevedores and longshoremen within the downport who offload goods and leave them in an abandoned part of the complex for pickup.
- Sees the current chaos as a good opportunity to skim a little extra for himself by sneaking in undocumented passengers. If they can pay.
- Has plans to get himself aboard one of the last vessels to leave.
- Not usually at the warehouse - Universal Exports have an office in the same area as Oberlindes. Will definitely be asked some awkward questions should the Travellers (or Chang) start talking about the movement of undocumented passengers to anyone in authority. An overt raid on the warehouse will warn him and cause him go to ground before escaping on one of the two ships currently docked.
Britt Ma, 777777, 36 years old, Administration-1, Broker-1, Liaison-2
- Tall, conventionally attractive woman. Features are clearly local to Louzy: blond hair, epithantic folds on eyes. Runs a small import-export business (Giilakuugiinluk Imports), focusing on high-end luxury goods. Chang’s partner.
- Tax records indicate poor returns, but Britt has been living pretty high, even without Chang. Commissioner Yuyin suspects smuggling, but has found no proof and any investigation is currently dead in the water.
- Suggested Universal Exports to Chang as a means to get them both away before the Zhodani arrive.
- Britt knows the owner of Universal Exports (who is currently at Menorb) from time spent at the University of Allel.
- She contracts UE to import extra goods without too much paperwork, although usually hands-off and through a cut-out, hence the attempt to extort her - the guards are not aware that she is a regular client.
- She has been using some inside knowledge from Haoyung about what Oberlindes is planning to ship in, allowing her to make similar orders. Smuggling them in allows her to undercut Oberlindes’ prices.
- There are some hidden records of all of the above at Haoyung’s apartment, as insurance for her turning on him.
Special thanks to those who cast an eye over this and provided feedback: SammyJ, Mr Mann.
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