Someone told you that Traveller is a cool SF TTRPG, and you heard that Classic Traveller (CT) is a good version of it. So, how do you start? This was a (relatively) brief guide that I wrote in August/September 2023, with some edits in December. This is a more permanent home for it than a PDF uploaded to various discords.
Contents Choosing a Core Book Additional Books and Supplements Books Supplements Other Conclusion A note about those letters Core Mechanics Character Generation What do players do?
Just a quick note on the mechanical bits for my Dracula Dossier campaign. It is written for Night’s Black Agents, which is a Gumshoe game. I tend to dislike some aspects of Gumshoe though, in particular the spending of general abilities, and only rolling a single d6 (which just feels dull compared to rolling either more dice or fancier dice). So, here is the basics of the system we are using:
The Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running, and then pressured by EUROPOL to act as a courier to provide gear and funds to informants and similar shady characters N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. Mostly a desk jockey who acts as the ‘guy in the chair’. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. Former Marine, pulled into the CIA as a wetworker.
Following some discussion and offline character creation, the agents get together in early April 2011. Our dramatis personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running, and then pressured by EUROPOL to act as a courier to provide gear and funds to informants and similar shady characters N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. Mostly a desk jockey who acts as the ‘guy in the chair’.