This is an entry for the SFRPG Secret Santa. Doubloon asked for a space truck stop, and well, here it is. Welcome to Jan’s Landing:
Summary Jan’s Landing is an old, rundown asteroid base built and used by Mzansi Minerals during the mining boom in the near belt a few decades ago. When Mzansi finally pulled out 13 years ago the manager, Jan Huysamen, took over the site for pennies on the dollar and repurposed it as a supply hub, since it was on one of the main routes inwards from the outer system.
The following was intended as a short adventure seed for a simple Traveller adventure, but grew a little in the telling. It is based on the (largely improvised) game that I ran at Festival Draconis in October 2024, but has been formatted to match the style of the Freelance Traveller Active Measures.
It is suitable for starting a campaign with or as a one-shot, but should a Referee wish to introduce the adventure into an ongoing campaign, it should work fine, although note that it takes place at the opening of the Fifth Frontier War.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. In an overwatch position. Al, playing Petros - The Dogfather. Tailing the folks outside (player not available) Recap 09 May 2011
The previous session had the PCs watch some intruders waltz into their own intrusion. They took this poorly, and prepared to jump them.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. In an overwatch position. (Player not available) Al, playing Petros - The Dogfather. Recap 09 May 2011
After returning from Scotland, the agents took a bit of downtime to look into some of the things that they had found.
Background I do not really use any VTT tools for running games, but folks running Traveller of various kinds often like having deckplans, at least for the ship owned or used by the PCs. While there is no shortage of deckplans out there, sometimes you just need a new, custom one. A fairly common source for making one’s own deckplans is the set of Starship Geomorphs created by Robert Pearce a few years ago.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. Al, playing Petros - The Dogfather. Recap 06 May 2011
Being so close to the last known location of HMS Proserpine, as a shore base at Lyness, Scapa Flow, the agents decided to nose about a little.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. Former Marine, pulled into the CIA as a wetworker. Al, playing Petros - The Dogfather. Asset-sitting Cassandra (player unable to attend) Recap 04 May 2011
Since Cassandra Irving is clearly someone of interest to some organisation, the agents decided to use her as bait.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. (Asset-sitting, player unable to attend.) Al, playing Petros - The Dogfather. Recap 05 May 2011
The agents passed through St Pancras without stopping for long and went straight up to Inverness. They had records from Johnson & Co that a refrigerated cargo was flown from Wick Airport in Scotland to the London Heliport, where it was picked up and delivered to ‘Carfax’, with the address of the Institute.
Dramatis Personae:
S, playing Padraig - Irish actor, formerly linked to drug running. Currently working at a cleaning contractor (player unable to attend) N, playing Yannis - Belgian hacker who got recruited by the ADIV/SGRS a while back. Currently working at a cleaning contractor (player unable to attend) An, playing Cooper ‘Coop’ - All-American patriot. Former Marine, pulled into the CIA as a wetworker. Al, playing Petros - ‘Ambiguously Balkan’, openly works for the dog/horse racing rings that the various Balkan mafias are involved with.
I recently ran a one-shot of The Troubleshooters - an alternative 1960s with campy evil shadow organisations and artwork inspired by the Franco-Belgian bédé. I have run a few one-shots of this in the past, and have generally had fun with them. This time, I picked the officially released Fabulous! quick-play scenario, available here, along with some others. I am not going to split out the experience of refereeing this as much as I do in the Dracula Dossier session reports.